#Abi inform global thesaurus free#
AdAccess : This is a resource from Duke University which provides free access to over 7,000 U.S.

Subject terms are also commonly known as descriptors, controlled vocabulary, and sometimes classification terms. Subject terms are found in the subject field and this field is part of the searchable fields table to the right. Search ProQuest Business to select all five business databases. The ProQuest Thesaurus is used to index the ABI/INFORM subject field. Through agreements with some of the world’s most prestigious publishers-including Cambridge University Press, Dow Jones & Company, Emerald Group Publishing, Palgrave MacMillan, the Financial Times Group, and the Economist Intelligence Unit-ProQuest provides access to hundreds of key business titles. ABI/Inform Global and Trade & Industry are only two of the suite of databases provided by Proquest. This guide provides detailed information about databases available in the Trible Library, including help, tutorials, and features.

Launched in the early 1970s, ABI/INFORM Global remains the gold standard when it comes to business research databases. ABI/INFORM Global massive content set - which includes important full‐text journals and much sought‐after titles from the business press as well as key trade publications, dissertations, conference proceedings, and market reports - will help today’s researchers resolve tomorrow’s problems.